Elly Grant (she/her), is an arts administrator, curator, and artist. She is a graduate of Quest University Canada, and holds a Masters in Art Education from NSCAD University. Elly has managed and curated for Temporary Collection, and worked on projects for: Guelph Arts Council; Nelson Museum, Archives, and Gallery; Parks Canada; the Junction Artist-in-Residence Program; Ed Video Media Arts Centre; Textile Museum of Canada; and the University of Guelph. She runs Double Dipped, an upcycled clothing business where Elly designs, sews, and sells custom garments. Elly is interested the possibilities of arts administration as creative practice, and explores the world and community-making through experimental projects. She currently works at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.

Current interests
salves, ankle braces, being late to the game on popular comic series, rooibos tea, crutch tricks, pudding, pillows found in hidden closets, scarves, hot water bottles
A list of things I’ve previously been interested in and may come back to:
- everyone being a DJ
- scanning
- post-trend forecasting
- raclette
- macrame
- pricing books
- realizing my full potential
- being funny
- rudimentary graphic design
- antique book covers
- learning to knit
- discovering treasures in the nooks of my workplace
- filming strangers (with permission) who move objects in their hands
- free-writing
- styling
- drinking water
- dumplings
- the pressure that imagination places on expectations
- knitting machines
- satire
- olive oil and egg hair masks
- saying goodbye
- black & white vs. grey area thinking
- the meaning of significance
- human to human projection
- getting rid of old clothes
- meals with rice
crystals / minerals
- organizing stuff
- Leela Corman’s comics
- feminist memoirs
- latch rug hooking
- saving tea bags
- small conveniences
- looking at old laptop files
- book binding
- fruit salad
- the cbc listen app
- bike rides
- market veggies
- getting over green tea allergy
- friends supporting friends
- sipping chocolate
- taking it slow
- library books
- writing letters
- timed meals
- corporate christmas tree decorating competitions
- malls
- fimo
- reality tv
- bowls of candy
- space heaters / humidifiers / air purifiers / fans
- dairy milk brand chocolate
- nail art
- skirts
- personal conspiracy theories
- organizing every inch of my life
- frozen meals